Career and Technical Courses - College Ready

Our college readiness mission is to provide high school students with the opportunity to earn both high school and college credits simultaneously, giving them a head start on their academic and career goals.

Through this agreement with local institutes of higher education (IHEs), students gain access to rigorous, career-focused education that bridges the gap between high school and higher education, ensuring they are well-prepared for future success.

Key Benefits of the Dual Credit Program:

  • Earn College Credit Before Graduation: Students can take college-level courses that count toward both high school and college graduation requirements.

  • Seamless Transfer Pathways: A structured crosswalk ensures alignment between high school coursework and industry pathway program offered at IHE.

  • High-Quality Instruction: IHEs provide support and training for adjunct faculty teaching these courses in high schools to maintain academic integrity and consistency.

  • Personalized Advising & Support: Students receive guidance from both high school and college advisors to ensure they are on track to meet both high school diploma and associate degree requirements.

Course Alignment & Support:

  • IHEs must submit a detailed course crosswalk to confirm seamless credit transfer.

  • Adjunct faculty teaching these courses will receive instructional support to align learning outcomes with campus-based courses.

  • Hardy County Schools and IHEs will work collaboratively to advise students in selecting courses that fulfill both high school and college program requirements.

  • IHE partner and the identified county will collaborate to offer courses to complete the approved pathway.

  • List the core education course crosswalk applicable to the completion of the pathway by the IHE. These are specific to each IHE and its approved program of study.

After High School Graduation:

  • Subject to the policy of the receiving IHE for acceptance of transfer credit, successful CTE completers of the high school phase of the dual credit pathway are guaranteed that both the core curriculum (general education) content and dual credit course(s) listed below in the related pathway will be accepted as transferable coursework that will meet program requirements and lead to program completion.

This partnership opens doors to future career and educational opportunities, allowing students to graduate high school with a competitive advantage. Together, we are building a stronger foundation for student achievement and workforce readiness.