Sign Up for AT HOME Summer Meal Deliveries
Beginning the week of June 14th, a five-day meal box, including five breakfasts and five lunches, will be mailed directly to each interested student’s home address. Registration is necessary to receive the meal boxes. To request meals, go to the website, and click on the link that says “CLICK HERE FOR MEALS!”. Enter all required information, and then each week the listing will be downloaded and all students who signed up will be sent a meal box the following week.
Meals will be shelf-stable, pre-packaged, and delivered by either UPS or FedEx to the home address listed on the online form (be sure to double-check your address). A form must be filled out for each student wishing to receive the meal boxes - the form needs filled out only ONCE to enjoy meal boxes all summer long for your child(ren). Parents may opt-out at any time by returning to the online form and choosing the option to discontinue receiving meal boxes. Meals will be provided in this manner from the week of June 14th through August 6th, 2021, with final meals delivered during the week of August 6th, 2021.
The meals provided will include items that meet or exceed the USDA meal pattern guidelines for the Summer Food Service Program. However, and since they are packaged in an assembly-line setting, the meal boxes should not be requested by students with special dietary needs. Please call the child nutrition office to discuss food pick up if your child requires medically-documented accommodations."